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styrene sulfonate中文是什么意思

用"styrene sulfonate"造句"styrene sulfonate"怎么读"styrene sulfonate" in a sentence


  • 苯乙烯磺酸盐


  • Many factors discussed in the article like the static force between the drugs and melamine formaldehyde / poly ( styrene sulfonate sodium salt ) ( mf / pss ) complex inside the capsules , the concentration balance between outside and inside the capsules , and the drugs " solubility will affect the deposition and release behaviors
    这是因为不同环境下,小分子药物和具有自发沉积性质的胶囊内的三聚氰胺甲醛聚苯乙烯磺酸盐( mf pss )复合物之间的电荷作用,胶囊内外药物浓度的平衡和药物自身溶解度等多重因素造成。
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